September 20, 2022

Watch the Webinar: Teshuvah: Return to Your Inner Creativity

Posted by Recustom

Return to yourself this High Holiday season by getting in touch with your innate creativity. Creativity lives in all of us, but the pressures of daily life can sometimes get in the way of our creative expression. In this webinar, our community manager Ryn Silverstein guides you through practices of movement and craft making to cultivate a greater sense of connection to the creative depths within.

For more creative mindfulness prompts and rituals, check out our High Holidays booklet, Turn & Return

Zine-making steps: 

  • Step 1: Fold your sheet of paper in half. Fold it again into quarters, and then one more time so that it's folded into eighths. 

  • Step 2: Open your paper so that it is folded in half. Cut halfway across the middle from the fold. When you open your paper it should have a slit in the middle.

  • Step 3: Fold your paper lengthwise (along the crease that has the slit). Hold the paper at either end, then push the ends in toward each other. The sections should fold into each other to form an eight-page booklet.

  • Step 4: Now it’s time for you to fill in your blank booklet and turn it into a zine! How you fill it in is completely up to you. You can plan or sketch out your content before making it final, or just wing it. Use the basic supplies only or add extra elements. If you want to just write and not use images, that’s cool too.

Optional zine prompts: 

  • What’s on your heart? 

  • What feels alive for you?

  • What's one thing you’d like to turn towards this High Holiday Season? 

  • What's one thing you’d like to leave behind? 

  • How would you most like to feel this High Holiday Season? 

  • What's holding you back from feeling that way? 

  • What's one thing you can do to support yourself to feel that way? 

  • What's one new holiday tradition you’d like to try this season, and why?

From Adva Chattler & Hila Ratzabi of Ritualwell: 

Blessed are you, Yah, Mother of Creation, who blesses us with your inspiration, to partner with you in the act of creation.